#request introduction
Hello, Yegor here! You've come to my small tech playground.
#uname -a
This is a space where I share some of my experience, try out ideas, deploy my web-apps and other stuff interesting to me. And it so happens that this is also my portofolio.
You can contact me at: [email protected]
Useful small bits of information regarding Unreal Engine performance or it's memory requirements.
Pyblish is an open-source framework to validate your assets. And while it was quite popular, right now it might be very hard to find good information on how to use it. I'll walk you through the proce…
CSV Profiler is lightweight, scoped, timestamp-based profiler that outputs per-frame timings with separate timelines for the render-thread and game thread which works on all consoles and also PC and …
A simple guide explaining how to setup pydoctor which will handle the autodoc generation for your Python project.