Shader operations instruction cycles
Name; Cycles | Name; Cycles | Name; Cycles | Name; Cycles |
abs 0 | clip 0 | isnan 0 | saturate 0 |
ceil 4 | degrees 4 | dot 4 | floor 4 |
frac 4 | ldexp 4 | lerp 4 | max 4 |
min 4 | mul 4 | radians 4 | reflect 4 |
round 4 | all 16 | any 12 | log 12 |
log10 12 | sign 12 | log2 8 | clamp 8 |
distance 8 | exp2 16 | length 16 | rsqrt 16 |
sqrt 16 | step 16 | ddx 16 | ddy 16 |
cos 20 | cross 20 | exp 20 | fwidth 20 |
sin 20 | smoothstep 20 | fmod 24 | pow 28 |
cosh 40 | sinh 44 | acos | asin 52 |
tan 56 | atan 60 | atan2 64 | tanh 64 |
Texture Sampling 100-200 | Material Function Call 50-100 | Dynamic Branching 100-300 | Virtual Texture Sampling 150-300 |
Memory costs
1 blendshape weighs ~64bytes per polygon
Vertex Animation Textures
For HDR texture format, like exr or tiff the texture pack of 10 second simulation at 2k resolution weighs ~200mb. And it’s better to save into exr, since tiff is larger for some reason.
0.5mb per frame for 2k exr rotation texture
0.375mb per frame for 2k exr position texture