Useful Unreal Engine performance tips

Shader operations instruction cycles

Name; Cycles Name; Cycles Name; Cycles Name; Cycles
abs 0 clip 0 isnan 0 saturate 0
ceil 4 degrees 4 dot 4 floor 4
frac 4 ldexp 4 lerp 4 max 4
min 4 mul 4 radians 4 reflect 4
round 4 all 16 any 12 log 12
log10 12 sign 12 log2 8 clamp 8
distance 8 exp2 16 length 16 rsqrt 16
sqrt 16 step 16 ddx 16 ddy 16
cos 20 cross 20 exp 20 fwidth 20
sin 20 smoothstep 20 fmod 24 pow 28
cosh 40 sinh 44 acos asin 52
tan 56 atan 60 atan2 64 tanh 64
Texture Sampling 100-200 Material Function Call 50-100 Dynamic Branching 100-300 Virtual Texture Sampling 150-300

Memory costs

1 blendshape weighs ~64bytes per polygon

Vertex Animation Textures

For HDR texture format, like exr or tiff the texture pack of 10 second simulation at 2k resolution weighs ~200mb. And it’s better to save into exr, since tiff is larger for some reason.
0.5mb per frame for 2k exr rotation texture
0.375mb per frame for 2k exr position texture